The Impact Hub
Grant Holder User Guide
Set up a New Project - Add Key Functions (Admin only)
Other Survey Sets (as recommended by your grant manager)
End of Engagement Questionnaire
Export Individual Beneficiary Data
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
This user guide is an accompaniment to the Impact Hub, provided by the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust.
Newly funded projects will be added by the Trust, you will need to add Key Functions to each project to indicate the services which are being delivered.
If “Send email invitation” was ticked:
The Beneficiary will have been sent an email inviting them to register, you will receive an email notification once their registration is complete.
If “Send email invitation” was NOT ticked and Beneficiary can complete their own registration:
Use either the “Registering QR Code“ or “Registering Link”to provide access to the Beneficiary so they can complete the registration on a seperate device. If this is not possible, click on the “Registering Link” which will open in a new tab and logout of the Grant Holder Interface to reduce the risk of confidential data being revealed to the Beneficiary.
You will receive an email notification once their registration is complete.
Once the registration is complete click “Refresh” on the Beneficiary page on the Grant Holder interface to load the details.
If “Send email invitation” was NOT ticked and you are registering on behalf of the Beneficiary:
Next, add the Beneficiary to the Project:
Finally, add Key Functions:
You can now create a session for the Beneficiary to complete Measurement Framework Surveys
The Trust will allocate a measurement framework survey to your project on a case by case basis. All projects are allocated the ONS4 Wellbeing Survey, however your grant manager may recommend the use of additional survey sets depending on beneficiaries. Speak to your grant manager if you are unsure.
Now you can use either the “Session QR Code ”or “Session URL ”to provide access to the Beneficiary so they can complete the surveys of the session on a seperate device. If this is not possible, click on the “Session URL ”which will open in a new tab and logout of the Grant Holder Interface to reduce the risk of confidential data being revealed to the Beneficiary.
Once all surveys in the session are complete click “Refresh ”on the Beneficiary page on the Grant Holder interface to load the details.
Now you can use either the “Session QR Code ”or “Session URL ”to provide access to the Beneficiary so they can complete the surveys of the session on a seperate device. If this is not possible, click on the “Session URL ”which will open in a new tab and logout of the Grant Holder Interface to reduce the risk of confidential data being revealed to the Beneficiary.
Once all surveys in the session are complete click “Refresh ”on the Beneficiary page on the Grant Holder interface to load the details.
Complete the steps in Measurement Framework Surveys except select other measures when adding Surveys to Sessions.
Complete the steps in Measurement Framework Surveys except select “End of Engagement Questions ”
Visit a Beneficiary page, if they have completed a Measurement Framework Survey their current and historical scores will be available under the tabs at the top of the page.
Visit a Beneficiary page, under “Beneficiary Details” > “Details” tab click the “Export beneficiary data” button. This will generate an Excel file for download.
If a Beneficiary requests access to their data, please ask your Grant Holder Admin who will be able to generate an export file for you to deliver to the Beneficiary.
If a Beneficiary requests that all of their personal data is erased, please ask your Grant Holder Admin who will be able to complete this request and generate a certificate confirming the erasure for you to deliver to the Beneficiary.
If you suspect a data breach this must be reported to the Trust immediately using the “Report Data Breach ”facility.
If you believe the suspected breach is only within the Outcomes Measurement Framework then the Trust will make an assessment regarding whether this is notifiable to the ICO. if you believe the breach affects other systems then please address this under your own internal data management policy.